Our virtual care option, Airrosti Remote Recovery is available nationwide.
Became an Airrosti Provider:2019
Undergraduate School:Texas Tech University
Graduate School:Parker Chiropractic College
Hometown:Utopia, Texas
Hobbies:Playing with my kids, watching Marvel movies, playing volleyball, card/board games, and reading books in the rare occasion I get the chance.
Interesting Facts:I grew up in a very tiny town where I only had 18 people in my graduating class. Growing up I raised show goats and we had all kinds of pets like deer, rabbits, baby chicks, and baby squirrels.
What Airrosti Means to Me:Airrosti is the amazing company that allows me to live out my purpose of helping others feel better and live healthier lives. Being part of a company who truly puts its employees and patients first is so important to me and Airrosti definitely, walks the walk!
by Gary Groppe
If you have any question about if Airrosti works, I can certainly say it has for me. If you find someone skilled and passionate about what they do, like Dr. McCaleb, you will see what I mean. Just getting a shot doesn’t fix anything and going straight to surgery may not be needed. I have used Airrosti a couple of times for tendon-related injuries and have had great results. Give Dr. McCaleb a call.
by Catherine Webb
I injured my knee doing too many baby diaper “drop-a-knee” changes on the floor and the knee just never got better. My GP recommended Airrosti – which still makes me think of risotto – and I met Dr. McCaleb who discovered that my knee pain was not the only issue, I also had a misalignment. Years before I had injured my hip when having our first baby and although I saw a PT for a few sessions life got lived and the sessions alas did not. Dr. McCaleb uncovered that not fixing my hip over the years actually messed up all my muscles on that side. Good gracious she got in there and fixed it in three sessions! Plus she made me feel totally comfortable during each session and communicated clearly the expectations of her and for me. Thank you, D…+ show morer. Kristi!
by Susan Manry
After having my car totaled by a 16-yard dump truck I was in pretty bad shape. At the time I started seeing Dr. McCaleb, about two weeks after the accident, I was in such pain that I wondered if I’d ever feel right again. Thanks to Dr. Kristi McCaleb and CRS Courtney, I’m feeling much better, and firmly on the road to a full recovery. I can move freely again, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you, Airrosti – I feel like you’ve saved me!
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“Airrosti” is the registered tradename used for Airrosti Rehab Centers, LLC and its various subsidiary and affiliated entities, which provide musculoskeletal treatment services. Airrosti providers are doctors of chiropractic or doctors of physical therapy.