Our virtual care option, Airrosti Remote Recovery is available nationwide.
Became an Airrosti Provider:2016
Undergraduate School:Bridgewater State University
Graduate School:University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
Hometown:Thurso, Scotland, UK
Hobbies:Cycling, hiking, attending live music events, traveling to new places and trying new restaurants.
Interesting Facts:I grew up as a military brat (U.S. Navy) and lived in Italy and Spain for several years. I've jumped off the pier that James Bond drives off in The Spy Who Loved Me, it was right up the road from where I used to live in Italy.
What Airrosti Means to Me:Airrosti means a superior patient experience - every single member of the Airrosti team is committed to improving the quality of our patient's lives.
by Constance Howell
I first went to see Dr. Sinclair in May 2018 because I was seeking a chiropractor who could help me with persistent lower back pain, and I needed someone who was a provider on my health insurance, which unfortunately, has few. I read some reviews about Dr. Sinclair’s work online, so was enthusiastic to find someone who could get me out of the wheelchair I’d spent the majority of a year in because my lower back couldn’t support my upper torso for more than 15-20 minutes. Make no mistake, Dr. Sinclair is not your typical chiropractor. There are no drop tables and no traditional chiropractic manipulations performed at Airrosti! Dr. Sinclair focuses on the myofascial tissues that keep our muscles in place and working in unison. The the…+ show morerapy is extremely short-term: 3-5 visits is the norm. If you do an internet search for Gray’s Anatomy myofascia images, you’ll see pictures that show our red muscles and the white parts of those drawings are the myofascia. This link provides a nice description of what myofascia is, why it’s important to our body’s harmonious functioning, and what can interfere with its’ ability to do its’ job well: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/about/fascia-definition.aspx. Without providing an entire, tedious medical history, when Dr. Sinclair met me I was dealing not only with lower back pain from vertebral and disc deterioration, but also a constant frontward and downward tilt on my pelvis from several reproductive surgeries, and extensive myofascial damage to my right leg from an ACL and meniscal tear in 1980 that wasn’t fully addressed until 2009. Anyone who’s had such knee damage without immediate repair knows the repeated injuries my knee and leg suffered in the interim 35 years, and the pressure that put on my lower back. After my first meeting with Dr. Sinclair I had significantly less pain, a more upright posture, and was able to walk further without discomfort! During each visit Dr. Sinclair worked on a different area of the myofascia in my lower back, and on the final, fifth visit, she addressed the myofascia in my legs and abdomen. The results have been truly incredible! It’s now 2 months after discharge from Airrosti, and I’ve continued to gain strength, endurance and mobility as promised by Dr. Sinclair. I continue to do the exercises prescribed by BSW’s PT team, and the safe ones Justin prescribed several times a week and am definitely reaping the benefits! I can plan longer outings with shorter rest periods before and after, I can stand to cook and clean for a couple of hours now, I can sit upright in an armless office chair for up to 4 hours without problems. None of this was possible before Airrosti! I can’t help but think of all the money I’d have saved over the almost 30 years of getting regular chiropractic visits if treatment like what Dr. Sinclair provides had been available sooner! Airrosti pairs their Airrosti Therapy Providers with traditional Physical Therapists located in their offices. My Physical Therapist was Justin. I wish I had glowing words I could share on that experience as well, but we had persistent communication issues that required I enlist Dr. Sinclair’s persuasion to address. I’m still unsure how saying, “My orthopedic surgeon has disallowed I do anything that resembles squats.” can be misinterpreted, but it was, repeatedly, for 3 visits. When you consider 3-5 visits is the norm at Airrosti, it’s easy to see how this is troublesome. The fact that my kneecap slipped off track, as my orthopedic surgeon warned me it might, and as I advised Justin it might, creates additional concern. Fortunately, I have a different chiropractor who knows how to replace it. I lost my patience with Justin on the 3rd or 4th visit and challenged what I perceived to be his giving a standard exercise routine to anyone who showed up with a specific problem, while ignoring other physical restrictions that might be harmed by his default exercise regimen. He agreed that he does have default exercise programs that he prescribes, and that he’d have to work on listening to his patients better. I certainly hope he has for the sake of other middle-aged patients who enter his door with a variety of physical restrictions for having lived a once active, if sometimes ill-advised youth.. If for no other reason than I’d hate for them to not avail themselves of Dr. Sinclair’s skills. One final accolade for Dr. Sinclair: I truly appreciate her willingness to suggest I research Stem Cell Therapy. It’s not often I find a doctor these days who will say, “This is your next step if you want to continue getting well.” I’m currently doing that protocol in hopes of regrowing damaged discs and menisci, and repairing arthritic bones, and hopefully avoiding the metal implants that would have been necessary in the future, otherwise. =)
by Wendy Abrahamsen
At the ripe old age of 59, I acted crazy and did a whole lot of tree trimming. As it turned out, I strained my left side something fierce. I was in pretty bad shape just walking into Dr. Gemma Sinclair’s office. I couldn’t even lean to one side; it even hurt just to breathe. I had used Dr. Sinclair previously for an unrelated injury, and she worked wonders for me! It seemed worth it to place myself in her care, once again. She came through, in just 2 visits, and gave me new exercises to work on at home. I remain so very thankful and grateful for all that she is, and all that she does. And, yes, she truly cares about you!!
by W. A.
 did not have high hopes going into my appointment with Dr. Sinclair, as I have suffered with lower back pain for 20 years now. When at home, I always wore ice strapped around me on a daily basis. I’ve been to Chiropractors, I’ve been to Physical Therapists, and I’ve had deep-tissue massages. In spite of all those treatments, I still had daily back pain, I just learned to adjust to it, and through it. Just 2 hours after my first session with Dr. Sinclair, there was no pain. I was hopefully optimistic, and couldn’t contain my joy. I shared my experience with everyone who would listen. I was shown daily exercises to strengthen my back and core, ones I had never been shown before. I feel so very blessed to say, my daily back pain is a th…+ show moreing of the past, in just 2 visits! “Thank you†just doesn’t seem adequate for what you have done for my quality of life! You are a blessing!! My deepest thanks and gratitude.
by Carlos Vargas
For the past two years, I have been suffering from lower back pain, at times, the pain while getting out of bed was unbearable. I did get treatment from a conventional Chiropractor and was also going for deep massage therapy at a massage center, the treatment helped, but was only getting temporary relief and my lower back problem did not go away. My friend recommended Dr. Sinclair at Airrosti, I was skeptical at first, but I scheduled my appointment anyway (Nov. 15, 2016), Dr. Sinclair diagnosed my problem as “Lumbar sprain/strainâ€, she performed manual therapy (somewhat painful) and recommended a number of specific stretches and exercises to help improve the affected problem area, after the first visit I was able to sleep be…+ show moretter and also able to walk, bend over, turn around in bed and sleep on my side without much pain. After four sessions I was released from Dr. Sinclair and I can not believe that my painful lower back problem is gone. Dr. Sinclair is a skillful practitioner of Airrosti treatment and a very caring professional, she was able to diagnose my problem and in four visits treat the root cause for my pain. I will recommend Airrosti and Dr. Sinclair to my family and friends needing pain relief.
by Scott Parker
I was having problems with pain in my shoulder. When i went to see Dr. Sinclair, she saw right away that my posture was bad, and my shoulders were pulled forward. She told me I needed to start doing more “pulling” exercises, than pressing. She showed me how I should engage my shoulders when working on my back , and gave me some stretches to open up my shoulders. I am now pain free, and using the proper technique to lift weights. Without her help I would still be experiencing pain, and possibly doing more damage to my shoulders. I have used Airrosti in the past for other “injuries”, and they have helped me every time. I would highly recommend this treatment for anyone with muscular, or joint pain.
by Jennifer Wilson
When my mom and I first came to Airrosti, I was having extreme pain in my back. I’ve had it for many years and it caused me a lot of pain. I tried many other Doctors and medicine but got no relief.. At Airrosti its diffrent, they dont try to shove medicine down your throats, they actualy go to the root of the problem and teach us how to fix it.. Through the therapy and exercises and Rehab provided by Gemma and Airrosti, I was immediately given relief. I was able to be more flexible. I was able to do things kids my age should be able to do. She was always very encouraging, very nice, and she would go to extra lengths to help me.. She would go out of her way to not only make sure I was comfortable and learning everything I could to continu…+ show moree this therapy on my own but she helped my mom out a lot as well so that she could help me when we got home she’s a very good teacher and without a Airrosti I would still be in extreme pain so thank you Gemma and Airrosti for all you have done..
by Emmit Metoyer
I highly recommend Dr Sinclair for your treatment. One day I woke up and my back was so messed up I tried to pick up my 2yr old daughter and almost fell over in pain. It was hard just to sit down and even worse trying to get up. The day after my 1st treatment I was moving around with minor issues. Within 3 days and a 2nd visit and doing the treatment plan she gave me, I was feeling like my old self… moving around with no issues or pain. Greatly appreciate everything! Most of all the knowledge you gave me to help prevent this from happening again.
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